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Rosaspina Buscarino

Rosaspina Buscarino completes her education in Milan, taking a degree in Pedagogy with a thesis on Aesthetics. At the beginning of the 90’s the use of “hand paper” appears to be predominant and its consistency goes along with the density of the pictorial matter in accepting the sign and the printed word. During the following years the word becomes pure support, generally hidden in its specific shape and delivered as simple presence, vibration of greys and blacks on the layout: the Sillabario and the Toconoma are taking shape. The former appears as a compact fabric of signs in the material, the latter as “drape “that wraps, covers, dresses the painting, though leaving part of the canvas visible, inviolate. No work was shown in public till 2003, when there is the debut with the personal exhibition in Milan, at Arte 92 Gallery, followed by many exhibitions in Italy and abroad, among the most recent those in New York, Helsinki, Chicago, London and Berlin. She took part in the 54° Venice Biennale.

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