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Enrico Cattaneo

Enrico Cattaneo (Milano 1933 – 2019), after scientific studies he approaches to photography in 1955. He attends the Milan Photographic Club where he gets recognition that make his commitment more deep into the field of social photography.

Turned professional in 1963 shifted his interests in the art world: he photographs artist’s studies and the works of painters who rely on him for the documentation of their work, but also he documents openings, meetings, events and group performance of avant-garde.

At the same time he gives space to his own research on the landscape of abandoned factories, as still life of daily objects transformed by his vision into series by the catchy ironic names as: “Warriors”, “Masks”, “Totem” but also “The still life of my boots “or” Boxes broken.

He made many investigations on the photographic medium and its materiality, from the “Pages” of the seventies to the latest “Morandiane”, a reinterpretation of aesthetics of Giorgio Morandi, “In regress” on the recovery of old images corroded by time, “Landscapes”, abstract images made ​​off camera that evoke the sunrises and sunsets.






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